Bugental believes that each of us has a great deal more potential than we utilize, and he aims to help his clients live out their potential more fully, focusing almost exclusively on the client’s experience in the present moment.
Full Description:
Watch legendary psychotherapist James Bugental masterfully demonstrate Existential Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Bugental believes that each of us has a great deal more potential than we utilize, and he aims to help his clients live out their potential more fully, focusing almost exclusively on the client’s experience in the present moment. In this video, Bugental helps a client let down the walls that keep her in constant survival mode. He gently and persistently brings attention to her implicit emotional cues, including snide laughs and hidden self insults, ultimately bringing to light her impulsive self-judgment, which covers up the “hurt under the mountain.” Through Bugental’s guidance she is able to stay with her feelings in the moment—a feat she admits she never allows herself on her own. Hosts Jon Carlson and Diane Kjos introduce Dr. Bugental and facilitate an enlightening discussion of the approach.
From watching this existential therapy video, you will:
Develop an understanding of the key concepts of Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy including helping clients maximize their full potential and determine their actions by choice instead of habit.
Gain insight into James Bugental’s therapy style and how he brings attention to clients’ implicit speech and gestures to help them be more fully in the moment.
Learn how to apply an Existential-Humanistic approach to your own therapeutic work with clients.
James F.T. Bugental, PhD (1915-2008) was a leading spokesman for existential-humanistic psychotherapy since the publication of his ground-breaking book The Search for Authenticity. He followed with classics such as Psychotherapy and Process, The Art of the Psychotherapist, and Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think. Recipient of numerous awards, and influential trainer to thousands of psychotherapists, he truly made a substantial and enduring contribution to the field of psychology.